Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Successful week!

So, today was weigh in number 3! Great success to report...lost 2.4 in the last week for a total of 6.2. That's a little over 13% of the way done! I am really working hard. Today, in our WW meeting, we discussed "being on program." So, what I have figured out is that I may not be "on program" but I am eating within my points. I think one day, I need to sit down with the materials and really see where I can make some changes for the better. I know I can do better...maybe not so much on the scale...but make some adjustments to my diet that will balance it better. Some days I eat too many carbs, other days its fruit...I need to find a way to balance it all out and make sure I am making the most of it.

Today at dinner I went a little overboard...had some things I probably shouldn't (ie chips) but tomorrow is a new day. I certainly didn't go too far off the deep end, but just craved the salty chips. I was having a bad allergy day and needed the salt. I was able to keep it in check and not eat what I might have at another time in my life.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Doughnuts and Brussels Sprouts...

Its been a few days, but alas, I have made time to add a little snippet. I found it particularly challenging today...wanted a donut so badly. Every Monday, my will power is tempted by the Krispy Kreme donuts that our Marketing director picks up for our Monday meetings. I just have to make it through the meeting and for a short time following the meetings and usually they disappear on their own, without my intervention. Usually, its not a problem, but today, I was tempted. Not enough to go and pick one up and lick it, but just slightly more than normal. But, I managed to forget about them soon enough and noticed that they alas had disappeared before lunch. Whew!

I made it to the gym after work and decided that I need to try some new veggies. Last night, I whipped up some roasted veggies that were really fantastically good. Got the recipe from a Betty Crocker cookbook on casseroles. I tried the same method of preparation and cooking for some Brussels sprouts. Though, this time I added onion and just a few bacon bits (everything is better with bacon). I coated it in a small amount of olive oil...salt and pepper to taste and baked for 30 minutes in 400 degree oven. Voila...a way to like sprouts!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Small fluctuations don't always indicate failure...

Today was weigh in day #2...small gain of 0.2 pounds. Okay, I did the math...that's only 3 ounces or so. I feel comfortable with that considering the challenges of last week. What I learned the first time around is not to let these little wobbles and fluctuations discourage me from my goal. Afterall...our weight fluctuates regularly... In order to be more aware of these fluctuations I made mental notes about times when I would have a gain. I found that there was a relationship between how many times I ate out and weight gain. What I ate a day or so before a weigh in affected my bottom line (ie eating salty foods makes you retain fluids). When I do my daily food jouraling, I include any medications that I might be taking in my daily journal as they might impact the bottom line. I admit to being slightly disappointed by the gain, but really...I drank 4 ounces of OJ with my vitamins just before heading out the door to my meeting, so I am sure that partially impacted the scale. Its hard sometimes to keep our focus on the prize...we know we want to get there...sometimes it just takes a little longer than we planned. Part of the prize that many of us overlook is simply the journey we take in getting there. The journey may very well be the most important part because it is during that time that we're learning better habits, making better choices, gaining knowledge and information, and becoming educated to this new way of life. The benefits of the journey are improved health, vitality, and confidence. Don't lose sight of the prize...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Chinese Dumplings...

Last night I went to a cooking class on how to make Chinese Dumplings. A them. Anyway, we all got to have some hands on experience in making them. I couldn't help but think of the various ways and combinations of ingredients I could try and how they would fit into my new healthy lifestyle. Mmmm...can't wait to experiment some.

I am happy to report that today I managed to get up and make it to the gym in time for my usual 40 minutes on the elliptical. This afternoon, I decided to also join the group doing a 5-mile hike after work. So, good for me that I managed to get some great exercise in today. Makes up for the dumplings we ate last night in class...hopefully.

I came home and managed a quick stir fry...purple carrots, onions, shitake mushrooms, and bok choy. I think I didn't quite have the seasonings down, so its not the best experiment. I'll search online and find something to try that might be more tasty. I rounded it out with some boiled egg whites for a little protein and some avacado...need to eat it before I have to throw it out!

Tomorrow is weigh in day #2. I'm hopeful that I was able to meet the various challenges I had during the weekend and show a weight loss. But, as I learned the first time around, don't sweat the bumps along the way...keep your eye on the prize! Another great mantra...feel free to use it. During my first weight loss, I adopted a motto...Keep on Truckin. So, that even if I was met with slight setbacks or challenges, I would just Keep on Truckin! This seemed to really help with my motivation.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Repeat the mantra after me...I'd rather pay the grocer, than the doctor....and again... Well, life has really put me and my will power to the test this weekend. Friday night, not so much. Went to the gym and then headed to the grocery and home. Light dinner of jalapeno hummus (oh my good). Note to self: come up with lower fat recipe for this dish so I can eat more!

Saturday, I got up early and met people from my club for a 7 mile hike. That was a nice walk and I was tired afterward. A photographer from a local magazine came along with us to take pictures as they are doing a feature article on our club and wanted to get some action photos. Cool...I might be in the magazine! We headed to the Whole Foods for lunch. Smartly, I brought more of that luscious hummus and crackers and some cherries to avoid the temptation of the food buffet. I did sample a small taste of the carribean pork and carribean beans. Just really a taste of each. The pork was great...would love to find out what they put in that. The beans were bland. My friend, Yvette, invited me to a party given by another member that evening, so I hurried home and got ready. The party was very nice. I made a recipe I found on the food network for Edamame Hummus...I've made it a couple of times and really like the flavor. So, that was my contribution to the meal. They had made a fried turkey and everyone brought side Brussels Sprouts and cheesy potato casserole. I skipped it all and had a small taste of the meat and a little dollop of the hummus with a little dollop of avocado salad. I had one glass of red wine that I nursed much of the evening. Oh yeah...and one roasted marshmallow for dessert.

Sunday, I met some friends to go to a nearby winery for free soup and a wine tasting. I enjoyed the soup though it was not low calorie...veggies, heavy cream, and sausage. Luckily it was a small bowl. I had a small amount of wine too. We lingered and had a nice visit on the patio as the weather today was just too wonderful to miss. Then everyone decided that they were hungy and all voted for MEXICAN! Uuuughhh...that is the hardest for me...but I was up for a challenge. I passed on the chips and queso. I ordered the Zucchini stuffed with chicken breast, black beans, and rice. I have to say...not that great but I did make the best choice...

Got home tonight and made homemade applesauce...yummmy!

Repeat after me....I'd rather pay the grocer, than the doctor...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

My new mantra: I'd rather pay the grocer, than the doctor

Today's challenge happened at lunch. I knew ahead of time that I was going to a luncheon meeting of a professional society of which I am a member (my high school english teacher would be so proud of my grammar). I have attended prior meetings and the same three entrees were offered each time...Spaghetti and meatballs, Lasagna, and Grilled Trout. So, yesterday when I made my reservation, I already had thought about my choices....and I was going with the Trout. But much to my surprise, the menu had changed this time. This time the choices were Spaghetti and meatballs, Lasagna, Fried Oysters, or Tuna Salad. I thought...oh no!...what to choose. I conjured up visions of tuna salad made with tons of mayo.... I asked the waiter about the salad and he assured me that this was a more upscale variety with field greens with rare slices of tuna. So, that's what I ordered...dressing on the side. The waiter rolled his eyes and clearly gave me the impression that my request was an inconvenience. I thought, this is my meal and I get to choose how I want it! He doesn't know me and why I might be ordering something a special way...maybe I have allergies...I wouldn't let him derail me! The salad was lovely...and there was so much flavor in the ingredients I think I used maybe a Tablespoon of the dressing. I limited myself to the sourdough bread that is always freeflowing at this restaurant. I love the sour taste, but was able to limit myself to a smaller portion. I also had the minestrone soup before my meal which was chock full of veggies and very nice on a cold day. I passed on the dessert which was lovely to look at but apparently not quite as tasty as it appeared. Good choice on my part!

Yesterday I believe I said that every day I have to choose not to be, I think I'll turn that around to say...Everyday I choose better health. Stated in the positive it definitely has a nicer ring.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

First Week Success - Down 4 Pounds

So, this morning I got up early to make it to a 7:15 am meeting time. I was going to be out of the office and not near my usual noon meeting place...and had another committment during the evening meeting, I committed to getting up is THAT for dedication.

I knew I would be successful because I had really stayed on program and exercised, etc. My first week's success story...I am down 4 pounds! A great way to start out a weight loss program...I'm already a BIG LOSER! (and that's a good thing) Now that I have so many friends behind me and supporting me, I feel a little more accountable, which was really the goal of sharing my story so publicly. I know you have to be motivated from within to be successful at these sorts of endeavors, but a little extra can't hurt.

No real challenges to speak of today...we did eat out at a local eatery known for "home-style cooking" at lunch which could present some challenges. I thoughtfully ordered the veggie plate and had two small bowls of pinto beans and a bowl of green beans. I did enjoy a slice of cornbread which along with the pintos is a serious comfort food.

So, I wanted to invite anyone who gets to this blog and wants to add your weight loss experience or share a tip or recipe, to feel free to do so...I'd love some interaction.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New Foods and Friends

Wow, today I shared some photos of myself from the first time around and got an overwhelming response. Its interesting how people react. I recall once at a party (after I had made significant progress), I made some mention to a woman whom I had never met that if I had desserts around all the time it would be a real stuggle...she looked at me and said that I looked like I never had a weight problem and what did I have to worry about. Wow...that was a real eye-opener. I will never forget bumping into a friend whom I had not seen for a while and it took some convincing him that it was really me. Another Wow moment!

Thanks to my friends who have really come out to support me, its truly heartwarming. I partially put this out there to keep myself in check. Now I have a bunch of people looking out for me and cheering me onward! What better motivation?

So, I love to experiment with food. As I mentioned in a previous blog, I have been reading a book called Anticancer: A New Way of Life. In the book, the author provides some information regarding foods that have shown promising impact on inhibiting cancer activity. So, I've been trying hard to incorporate some of these foods into my diet. I gave the book to my dear friend, Natalie, and she also has been trying to add things to her family's diet as well. One food (really a spice), Tumeric, has been shown to be an anticancer food. Since I'm not a big fan, I was trying to come up with something that I could make that would incorporate this ingredient. Additionally, I love this Potato Salad that they serve at a really good vegetarian restaurant here in Austin called Mr. Natural. I haven't figured out which vegan style mayo they use, but found an acceptable substitute for now. Tonight I made Curried Potato Salad...basically, I boiled some small potatoes and cut them in quarters (I like the big chunks). I added frozen peas and carrots. I added a little bit of chopped onion. Then made a sauce out of Light sour cream and Sweet Curry to taste. I added bit of sweet gerkin pickle to mine. YUUMMMM!

Tomorrow is weigh in day, I am going to post my progress here, so keep tuning in to see the latest results.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Nice dinner...

Today was a bit of a challenge...everyone Monday our Marketing director brings donuts for the Marketing meeting. This morning I walked in and thought...I must have a cake donut. But then remembered that sugar is "rat poison" (see Anticancer book) and decided not to have the donut after all. By the time lunch rolled around, I went into the break room and all the rat poison was gone. Whew!

I have been reading a book called Anticancer by David Servan-Schreiber. What a fantastic book...really informative. In an effort to lose weight, I wanted to eat healthier and why not fight cancer at the same time. So, I've been working my way through the book and taking mental note of all the really beneficial foods.

And, I've been trying to make some changes. Like switching from coffee to green tea (extra good cancer fighter). Green tea is a slightly acquired taste, but the benefits really outweigh everything else.

I thought this might be a venue to let people know about good products or tasty things. Maybe a recipe or two make its way onto the site. Tonight I had a lovely dinner...salmon with a nice sauce I made from fat free plain greek yogurt, lemon zest, lemon juice, pepper, fresh dill, and capers. I seasoned the salmon with a little olive oil and pepper and salt and grilled it on a grill pan in the kitchen. My salad was romaine lettuce, purpose carrots, mushrooms, and a little bit of bleu cheese with a light balsamic vinegrette. Very filling and really pretty healthy...and anticancer friendly.

I am going to post my "Incredible Shriking Woman" pictures to this website as well. When I lost weight in 2003-04, I took a "before" photo and an "after" photo and every 10 pounds I took a photo so I could see the progress. I have resurrected this tradition this time.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Blog Virgin...

Well, this is the first enty into my personal blog...have to say, I'm really new at this. I rarely read other's blogs as there just never seems to be enough time in the day to devote to it. However, a friend introduced me to her website and thus, the idea was sparked.

So, I've been overweight all my life...struggled with it. Loads of diets, programs, incentives, workout buddies, etc. I've tried many times to kick the weight. In 2002 and 2003, I began the Weight Watchers program and had much success. I dropped nearly 100 pounds over a 2 year period. I was so thrilled to finally be what our society considers "normal" with regard to size and weight. However, over the last few years I have become lazy and complacent and re-gained about 40-45 pounds. So, this year, I have made a committment to myself to really get healthy. As part of that committment, I am eating foods that are higher in nutritional content, adding more organic foods, reducing sugar and salt, exercising regularly, and taking my vitamins. I have made it back to my Weight Watchers meeting last week and am ready to go, go, go. I thought this blog could be another way to journal and tract my progress....mostly personal, but if it serves to inspire others to do the same...well, that's just an added bonus.