Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Finding a job is the hardest work EVER...

Oh my, I'd like to have a job so I can relax and rest a bit. Seems that everyone keeps telling me to "enjoy" my time off and relax a bit...but I feel this internal pressing need for a JOB that pays the BILLS! I don't feel like I can really take alot of time off to "relax"...not until I have a sure thing.

I will go to Iowa next week for my interview. I will be interviewing for a managment level position with the company that just laid me off. Its a wonderful opportunity but far from "home." Great experience!

I have also be slamming the airwaves with "feelers" for other positions. I've been talking to anyone that will listen and might have some contacts. You just NEVER know where you'll find your next big opportunity. This week, mom and I spent two days shopping for "interview" outfits. So far, we have alot of stuff...and now I just have to put together a couple of outfits and take the rest back.

I was supposed to weigh in today, but its been so hectic. I have a job club meeting on Friday and will likely weigh in then. I'm not overly hopeful on this one, but I've been surprised before. Keep good thoughts, my friends.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Trials and Trimuph

This week has been challenging to say the least...caught somewhere between potential promotion and layoff. Strange situation, but when one door closes, another opens, right? I've the craziest day today, fielding phone calls from former colleagues offering various short term opportunities. Then yesterday, when I felt certain that my body would have suffered during the stress of the week and the lack of self supervision related to eating, I lost 4.4 pounds! Wherever did it go...(and let it stay there!). I'm 11.6 pounds into this thing and feeling empowered! Its time for another photo for this shrinking woman.

Monday, February 16, 2009

A new adventure

So, the economic times are tough and the company is downsizing. I'll be likely leaving the company and moving on to new things. I've been remarkably calm despite my situation, even if I do say so myself. I don't have time to sit around and feel sorry for myself...don't have time to wallow. Now is the time for action (wasn't this in the President's Inaugural speech?). I have been flooding my networks with emails and phone calls.

I am going to continue my weight loss efforts but this last week has been, we'll see what the result is on Wednesday.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Optimistic...this week a gain...1.2 pounds

So, this week I weighed in and had a slight gain. It was more than I expected, I admit. I had missed two days of exercise after overdoing it last Tuesday at an aerobics class. I could barely stand up straight for three days! Did a long hike over the weekend and worked out twice yesterday, but apparently it wasn't enough to counteract the two pieces of lovely Baklava that I had on Saturday. Or maybe it was and the stars just weren't in good alignment. Though it was a disappointing setback, I must take my own advice. Keep your eyes on the prize...this is just a mere speedbump along the way. Don't let such small things derail you or keep you from moving forward in your goal. I look back at my week and have no regrets about enjoying a few good foods...treats. These are few and far between and this too shall pass. Tonight I went to a barbeque with friends. I managed to stay fairly good..made a dip from the Turkish food class that is nutritious but not low calorie and enjoyed some of it. I pat myself on the back because I managed to stay clear of the chips, cookies, high fat dips, and other treats at the party. I felt that I ate a sensible meal of chicken and corn tortillas...and some dip on french bread. Nothing overboard. While at the party tonight I bumped into a friend who wants to take me shopping when I get to my goal about incentive! What a generous offer...

I started a new book called The China Study...a friend recommended it and it was cited in the Anticancer book I have finished. Much information to digest (no pun intended).

Keep you eyes on the prize!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Blog neglect...

I thought perhaps I should re-visit this blog and add a little something. I have no great wisdom to impart today...

Took a cooking class on Saturday night and loved the food...Turkish. I made the lentil soup already and really enjoyed the interesting the soup. I enjoyed all the recipes that evening including a special treat...Baklava. So, this week, if I have a little gain, I'll know what did it. No worries...this is a new lifestyle...not just a diet which would forbid the enjoyment of such things. Life happens...and we just have to figure out how to manage our diets not let our diets manage us.

Next challenge...Winter Bar-be-que tomorrow night. I roasted potatoes, onions, and mushrooms tonight to take to keep from eating potato salad. I'm bringing the walnut and red pepper dip that was one of the Turkish dishes. Also, I'm making some homemade corn tortillas. It will be hard to pass up on desserts (always is), but I can do it. Some wise guy put out 4 boxes of Girl Scout cookies in the breakroom the other day (Monday) along with the weekly donuts...its was about all I could do to stay out of that room and not eat the cookies.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Another successful week...2.2 pounds closer to goal!

So, this last week had its challenges... Last night in itself was a challenge. My aunt and a close friend were in town and the whole family met for dinner at Cannoli italian buffet. Having eaten there on several occasions...I knew what to expect and what to avoid. I picked up one of the smaller plates in the salad section and passed on those as they all had cheese and dressings on them. Headed toward the Salmon...picked up a smallish (~3 ounces) piece of salmon with about 1/3 cup of the orzo pasta it was sitting atop. Then got some lemon garlic broccoli. Hit the roasted potatoes and had 1/3 cup of taters. Skipped the bread and skipped the dessert. I enjoyed the company and my neice Caelan shared a bite or two of turkey hotdog with me. My nephew, Derek, was being cute and sneaking sips of my iced tea. Wonder if he was up all night! At any rate...I really reeled myself in and tried to stick with the plan. Seemed to be a success as I weighed in 2.2 pounds lighter this week. For those of you keeping track, that's a total weight loss of 8.4 pounds since January 7. Not too shabby! With any luck and lots of hard work, next week will be a "picture" week. For every 10 pounds that I lose, I take a photo to chart the progress.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Hanging in there...

Nothing really new to report. I managed to survive bumping into an ex-boyfriend and his new squeeze at a comedy show on Friday night. I knew ahead of time that they would be there which sparked some emotions. I was tempted to eat but was able to fend off those temptations. I managed to not eat at the show though there were luscious snackables all around me (nachoes to my left and fried cheese sticks to my left). Saturday, I took a group of about 16 folks to hike and for a snack at a brew pub in Boerne. We walked 6.2 miles total and lunch was some lettuce wraps for me (lettuce leaves, grilled chicken, slivered almonds, carrots and peanut sauce. Sunday, I was pretty much a bum. I avoided going to any Superbowl parties...also known as Food laying on the sofa and being a bum. But today, it was back to the old grind so to speak. Hoping for another loss this week!