Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Finding a job is the hardest work EVER...

Oh my, I'd like to have a job so I can relax and rest a bit. Seems that everyone keeps telling me to "enjoy" my time off and relax a bit...but I feel this internal pressing need for a JOB that pays the BILLS! I don't feel like I can really take alot of time off to "relax"...not until I have a sure thing.

I will go to Iowa next week for my interview. I will be interviewing for a managment level position with the company that just laid me off. Its a wonderful opportunity but far from "home." Great experience!

I have also be slamming the airwaves with "feelers" for other positions. I've been talking to anyone that will listen and might have some contacts. You just NEVER know where you'll find your next big opportunity. This week, mom and I spent two days shopping for "interview" outfits. So far, we have alot of stuff...and now I just have to put together a couple of outfits and take the rest back.

I was supposed to weigh in today, but its been so hectic. I have a job club meeting on Friday and will likely weigh in then. I'm not overly hopeful on this one, but I've been surprised before. Keep good thoughts, my friends.

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